Meet the Pres
Tom Person founded the company with the goal of ensuring every cigar smoker taste their cigar from foot to finish Tom continues his adventure by trying new cigars whenever possible to refine and expand his palette. As he travels the U.S., it confirms his belief that the cigar business succeeds due to the dedication of families on the farm, in the factories, around the cigar maker & inside the local tobacconists shop.
“I see a lot of activity in the cigar community that excites and inspires me. Cigars are like passports to an exclusive club. That clubhouse grows as more and better products come to market. My challenge right now is to educate cigar smokers to the history and benefits of using a cedar spill when lighting a cigar. Commonwealth Cedar Spills is dedicated to making sure that the cigar smoker gets the most out of every stick. Cigar prices are not declining any time soon, so use a Commonwealth Cedar Spill to maximize your smoking experience.”