May we introduce you to TED.?!

May 21, 2016

Seeing how here in the commonwealth of Kentucky that May is when we celebrate the Kentucky Derby, Mint Juleps and all the good things that come from the bluegrass state it seemed only right to that we showcase a cigar maker from here too.  While Kentucky has a rich history with tobacco it is today not quite what it was in previous centuries but we still produce lots of tobacco just a smaller percentage of cigar leaf. A number of cigar makers are here in the commonwealth and we choose to showcase one that is also located in the Ville as we are – Ted’s Cigars! Ted Jackson is a big personality, loves big challenges and his latest cigar FERRIS is…

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March Madness 1502 style!

March 2, 2016

If you have never had a 1502 than its safe to say you have never had a cigar from Enrique Sanchez Icaza and you never will. Because he does not make cigars he makes 1502! That may sound confusing but its true. My particular favorite is the Ruby and I may just add another to this months prize pak! Global Premium Cigars is a tobacco company that is Proudly Nicaraguan! This cigar maker has 5 tobacco lines with the highest quality, where the sowing process, harvest, curing, aging and selection of each tobacco leaf is a major concern. It takes more than five years from the time of its sowing until the time you can enjoy one of our fine cigars; the…

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A month for LOVERS!

January 31, 2016

Lovers of Premium Hand-Rolled Cigars that is… Once again our giveaway of great cigars, cigar swag and The Ultimate Cigar Book by Richard Carleton Hacker (it is an autographed copy too) is underway. The cigars we give away are the cigars we think are great and that we smoke a lot and by “a lot” we mean these are easily our everyday smokes and while we happily share them with others we would prefer not to. This month of LOVERS (cigar lovers, February 2016) we are featuring 262 Cigars website by Clint Aaron. Enter below: a Rafflecopter giveaway

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A January to Remember!

January 15, 2016

Back in September of 2015 we began a monthly Giveaway of great Cigars, cigar swag and The Ultimate Cigar Book by Richard Carleton Hacker (its an autographed copy too). The cigars we are giving away are the cigars we think are great and that we smoke a lot of and by “a lot” we mean these are easily our everyday stogies and while we happily share them with others we would prefer not to. This January 2016 we are featuring NOMAD Cigars by Fred Rewey. Enter below. a Rafflecopter giveaway

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We are just giving it away.

August 31, 2015

Beginning in September 2015 and for the next 12 months, excluding December of 2015, we are giving away some great smokes and cigar swag. At least the cigars that we think are great and the swag that we have collected over many months of great cigar events and cigar parties. We hope you will check out the Giveaway Tab on our Facebook page and enter to win this great stuff.

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Freemason Spillboxes and Spills

May 11, 2015

After creating many custom Spillboxes and Spills for Freemasons across the U.S. we finally listened and added them to out product lineup. We never just put things up on our eCommerce site because we can or just to fill space especially when it involves and reflects around one of the great at most established fraternal organizations in the country. Over the years we have shared many fine cigars and conversations with friends and colleagues that as it turned out are Freemasons. As we create a unique cigar and pipe accessory that really embraces and perpetuates the ritual of enjoying fine tobacco a number of our friends have had us create custom spills and spillboxes to commemorate or celebrate an event…

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2015 – A New Year

January 22, 2015

Been a few months since we put anything up on the blog here but we have been busy. Smoking cigars, traveling the world and of course introducing the oldest of cigar traditions to more people than ever before the Cedar Spill! Along the line of introductions we are proud to announce our newest cedar spill design/offering – Spills by the Bunch. In response to cigar makers and organizations that had some pretty unique needs and considerations for adding something to their cigars whether they be in a box, bag, bundle or caddy we have responded with a cedar spill that works in all these scenarios. You can see a bit of it in our Giveaway Contest below or get more…

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Chattanooga TweetUp 2014

September 15, 2014

While we go to numerous cigar events around the country both large and small this is one that has always been a blast to attend and participate in the Chattanooga TweetUp. Occurring every summer and held at Burns Tobacconist, primarily at Burns East but they also have a downtown location that you must visit time permitting, and it is a sprawling place that is comfortable and inviting. Numerous cigar makers or their reps attend every year donating some cigars, swag, sponsorship and best of all their time to just have one-on-one or one-to-many casual conversations with all in attendance and to me that is the best part of the event. Now we do not make cigars, we make a great…

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DC TweetUp 2014

March 20, 2014

We had a blast with our friends from the B and B Cigar Club in Washington DC this past weekend at the DC TweetUp 2014. The guys and gals who participate in this event not only have a great time on the party bus and all the cigar shops we visit but raise money for the American Diabetes Association. This is a great opportunity to put faces to the names and handles of all the folks you interact with on social media and of course talk one-on-one with the cigar makers who also participate in this event. There are several cigar events across the U.S. that you can join in (we encourage you to do so) and this one is…

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Ambassador Announcement – Sharing the Love!

February 14, 2014

With great pride and enthusiasm we announce our Commonwealth Cedar Spills Ambassador program and our inaugural ambassadors. This program is all about finding a cigar or pipe smoker that really embraces what we are all about with our custom cedar spills; Roasting and Toasting not Torching and Scorching your tobacco, enjoying the tradition and the ceremony of slowing down and making the most of every smoke. Our ambassadors use cedar spills, have shared them with others and have spread the word about enjoying a cigar from foot to finish by using a cedar spill to minimize the amount of char typically introduced to the binder and filler of a cigar when using modern blow torch lighters. Now every month for…

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