Well, several days and 15,000+ custom cedar spills created later we have created enough spills to help create a truly special cigar gift box with our friends at Bespoke Post – purveyors of remarkable gear. They scour the world for time-tested, small-batch, or otherwise remarkable gear (for men or women) and provide you the story behind each item too. If you are looking for a great holiday gift this is one that you will not find anywhere else. This cigar themed gift box is available December 2013 and contains some truly exquisite gear: an exclusive cigar sampler by EP Carillo custom branded cedar spills a reclaimed wooden ashtray made out of old European warehouses by Europe To You a cigar…
Read MorePartaga's Cigar Cedar Spills
September 26, 2013
We are thrilled to announce the newest member of our retail family “Lil Havana” cigar shop in Vacaville, California. Working with Bob Morrow, shop owner, at Lil Havana we were able to obtain permission from General Cigar Co. to create these custom crafted Partaga's branded cedar spills and spillboxes. These are the only retail spillboxes to have custom branded cedar spills inside, typically our spillboxes contain our standard cedar spills with only our website address. Per our agreement with General Cigar these are exclusive to the Lil Havana cigar shop and add another element to the history of one of the great names in cigars.
Read MoreThe – Nude Cigar Girl
August 7, 2013
“Nude Cigar Girl” by artist Michael Spano was created as his tribute to the better things in life. Enjoying a sensual woman and the pleasure of a good cigar. Both should be appreciated for how they satisfy the senses. Michael's artwork is available at ArtBySpano.com We licensed this image from Michael Spano after a customer contacted us and wanted this image for their own spills and spillboxes. Well, we like to do things right and reached out to Mr. Spano to make sure we did this all legally, appropriately and properly; the best ideas come from our customers. We are thrilled to now offer this beautiful artwork to you, adding something a little steamy to your cigar or pipe smoking…
Read MoreCigar Maker Placards
June 24, 2013
At long last and after much effort we are happy to present out “Cigar Maker Placards” for sale. First the background – We created a few of these for a local cigar shop who in the beginning simply did not have enough “cigar stuff” for their walls. Now that they have these placards (we gave them to the owner for free), and other cigar swag, on the walls they get the cigar maker's who come through town for events autograph them. The second step was when someone in the cigar shop asked if they could buy one. Buy What?? We just did not think that way or that these placrds might be something someone would want on their walls or…
Read MoreWaxing Moon Humidors
April 29, 2013
We are happy to announce a new partnership with Waxing Moon Humidors an artisan company that handcrafts custom humidors. We appreciate all things handcrafted around cigars and their enjoyment so every custom humidor will include a small bundle of Waxing Moon Humidors cedar spills. Enjoy your cigars as the artisans who created them intended, store them in a quality humidor and enjoy them from foot to finish with a Commonwealth Cedar Spill!
Read MoreA Cigar Coop review
February 22, 2013
One of the most prolific and sincere cigar commentators out there took the time to review our wares and gave us an honest assessment. William Cooper of Cigar Coop, who I have met on numerous occasions, is truly a great cigar guy and someone who smokes and notes all the properties of the cigar from foot to finish. If you have not checked out his site do so, especially before you buy a new cigar on a whim or new accessory like some cedar spills!
Read MoreSmoking Hot Commentary!
February 4, 2013
She has smoked more cigars than I probably ever will. The Smoking Hot Cigar Chick focuses on enhancing your cigar smoking experience and had nice words to say on our cedar spills and really what the ritual and experience of smoking a cigar should be. Always a good read so bookmark her site and check back often. order essay online
Read MoreA Contest for those with Brass testiculars!
January 10, 2013
A great cigar maker decided to have a contest and bunch of us agreed that it was a good idea! Clint Aaron (of 262 Cigars) decides, “I want to do a contest!!! Hey, I'll wrangle up a podcaster and a couple bloggers and see what we can do! While I'm at it, maybe Tom from Commonwealth Cedar Spills would want to be part of it.” We talked this over (and over) and came up with a contest that might just be too much fun…for whom we haven't figured out yet, but it is certain to be too much fun for someone! It is simple go to the contest link and follow the instructions and you can win some really great…
Read MoreSupport Cigars 4 Warriors!
November 27, 2012
There are so many great ways out there to support our men and women in service to our country that are on deployment but I believe this to be one of the best. Cigars for Warriors collects and disperses premium cigars and accessories to troops serving in combat zones. Go to their website for more details and look for a Cigar for Warriors donation drop box at your local tobacconist and drop in a few smokes. By the end of 2012 Commonwealth Cedar Spills will have donated over 4,000 cedar spills to accompany all those great smokes. If you can donate something to this great cause please do so; smokes, cigar accessories or even cash to cover all that overseas…
Read MoreIPCPR 2012 in Orlando
October 19, 2012
It was great being a vendor and member at IPCPR 2012 in Orlando, Florida this year. I shared the booth with Hutch Hutchison a world renown scrimshaw artist who creates custom artwork on Xikar cutters that are really beautiful and often collectors items. We were happy to add several new states and local tobacconists to our family. The show is not open to a public; as they need to get business done, but your local tobacconists were working to get the best deals. In my opinion there is just so much good product out there to try today so buy local and smoke with friends!
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